white ft masking foam tape


Masking foam tape made of white polyurethane foam with heat resistant glue strip applied on one side. Masking foam tape is supplied in a pre-cut roll which is placed in a special dispenser box for convenience in use and storage.


This flexible foam tape is intended for masking joints between panels prior to overpainting. Allows to hide any traces of repair, as they do not leave sharp edges.

Art. Size Package
670013 13 mm x 55 m 1 pc.
670017 17 mm x 40 m 1 pc.
ft masking foam tape in a dispenser box


  • Apply to clean and degreased surface. Do not prolong.
  • Pull one foam strip from the roll.
  • Press the foam strip to a surface.
  • Avoid the foam adhesive contact with paint.
  • Apply in doorway no closer than 3-5 mm from the edge.
  • After drying remove the foam tape from the surface.
  • Possible to use with infrared heaters at a temperature no higher than 80°C.

Using the masking foam tape speeds up the masking process before painting. It is a barrier for dust or spatter penetrating inside the car. Masking foam tape doesn’t leave traces of glue after removal.

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