glazing adhesive radex 801


RADEX 801 Glazing adhesive is a one-component, ultra fast-curing (short Drive Away Time), flexible and high modulus polyurethane adhesive for the bonding of vehicle glass-direct glazing.

ART: 220801


It is specifically designed to give a fast and safe driveaway time on vehicles fitted with airbags. It is ideal for direct glazing on vehicles where High Shear Modulus and Non Conductive properties are required. Solvent free, it is completely odourless.

Art. Volume Package
220801 310 ml 1/12 pcs.

The surfaces to be treated should be perfectly clean, dry and free from dust and grease. It is necessary to apply RADEX Cleaner/Activator and RADEX Primer on glass.

Perfect in combination with RADEX HCG or PG guns for sealant.

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